Narcoleptic Knights

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Swell Start

A day proves nothing, but I need to acknowledge that I managed to do some yoga, exercise a little, work, enjoy my daughter, and even start periodic breathing exercises. Things need to become habitual, but it is a good start. Some of those things took place with a horrid headache. While I am not thrilled that my head hurts, I am pleased that I did not let it derail things.

I performed the yoga this morning, after feeding the cats. I only did the "warm-up," but I did it! I also could feel it helping. We will see how things move forward, but I am hopeful. I practice Kundalini Yoga (there is an online course which is supposed to be free) which focuses on spine energy and breathing. When I did it regularly in the spring and summer of 2005, it helped me tremendously, especially when I was doing it and receiving acupuncture treatments. I am hopeful I will see some similar results by restarting it (and I am once again seeing an acupuncturist too!). One of the greatest benefits is that Kundalini helps with the endocrine system and balancing the brain hemispherically.

My exercise came in an unexpected way. My daughter asked me a couple of days ago if we could go to the local tennis court and the hit ball a little. She has not shown an interest in tennis before, but I was certainly game. It turns out that she is pretty good, especially for her first day. I ran more than I had planned, but we both had fun. I need to find a pattern for my strengthening exercises too, yet how can I not celebrate having a great afternoon with my daughter. I had considered trying to "bow out" because my headache was so intense before we left, but I had promised her that we would do it. I also know that the temperatures in Saint Paul will only climb over the next few days. If I "had" to do it, I figured today was the best bet. We will see if her interest continues. Still, I must remember that doing physical things with my daughter will certainly help me to build physical strength.

The final element of the day is that I managed to do all of this, while finding time to do a little work and to rest. The challenge remains for me to be "content" with what I accomplish versus frustrated by what I left "undone." That is where I need to keep using this blog and self talk and my friends and family. All of those things constantly remind me that I am a good person. Opening myself to that will continue to make me whole. I also must remember that one (or two or one hundred) "bad" days don't mean that I have failed. They are simply less.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like an awesome day. Have more of those. :)

Anonymous said...

I too have narcolepsy and have been dealing with it for years! I am redoing the Kundalini Teachers training to get me back on track with it. I also recently experienced something you may be interested in that is currently being scienticially documented as changing brain chemistry. Read about it at & Find a local Deeksha giver in your area at the univeristy website or I would be more than happy to give you Deeksha's long distance.

Randy Allen