Narcoleptic Knights

Friday, October 17, 2008

Wild Week(s)

I know I need to stop harping on the rapidity of my daily life, but somehow the first half of October simply disappeared. Amid the Narcolepsy Network conference, crazy days at work, two injuries for my daughter, a week long school trip for my daughter, and construction on my house, I literally turned around and discovered that half of this month simply disappeared. At least I can vaguely piece together the events of the last couple weeks. I also know that I have "done good work" in the first half of this month. Nonetheless, I sincerely hope that the pace of my life slows a bit.

I can't foresee that happening, though. We still have a great deal of construction that needs to happen. My wife is also heading out of town for a conference. That means that I am a solo parent for this next week. What I need to do is breathe and relax. I also need to take each thing one step at a time. Of course, I seem to struggle to even take a half step at a time right now. I have made progress on a few things each day, but I continue to not get enough done. Our house is a mess. My correcting needs to be finished. I also need to get a number of things prepared for our next unit at school. And, I feel exhausted.

One of the worst things is that I have been fairly snappy today at home. Neither my wife, nor my daughter deserve that, but I am having a tough time grounding myself. My wife has a ton to get done before she leaves town. She is tense, and I wanted to stay out of her way today. Unfortunately, I assumed that she was going to head into her office. Instead, she stayed around the house and organized many things. Thus, I waited to do things I had hoped to accomplish. So, now, I have more to try to get done tomorrow. My daughter is simply a wonderful, but loud almost twelve year old. She spent most of the day commenting on many things that frustrate here and declaring her intentions to do this, that and the other thing. It might have been funny if I had not been so anxious. Rather than laugh at her antics, each word out of her mouth clicked my blood pressure up another notch.

These are the moments that drive me insane about narcolepsy. Because I am sleepy and exhausted, I muddle through my own day, AND I get angry at the people that I love the most because I can't handle their moods. I need to get into bed and go to sleep. Tomorrow is another day, and I will make the best of it. Whatever I can get done will be enough. It might not be what I want, but it will have to do.

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