Narcoleptic Knights

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fast Fun

I can't believe it is Thursday! My week has flown. In large part it is due to the crazy pace of my school day. While that has been a bad thing at time, it is wonderful this year. I am enjoying my new teaching assignment more and more every day. Our students are wonderful, and I have never felt better about the way our team is functioning. We truly complement each other and support one another. I also love that we are modeling good behavior and attitudes for our students.

Another stunning aspect of the year, thus far, is the enthusiasm that I have had upon arriving home. I am not only enjoying my time in school, but also I am enjoying the work that I am doing at home, even the correcting. It is still a pain, but I feel like I am providing good (and timely) feedback for the first time in years. Just today, I connect with a student and believe that it made a real difference for him.

I still need to achieve a better balance to my days, but I am spending time each day focused on me. It needs to be more of a priority, particularly so I can write more frequently on my blog (rather than finishing three posts started the previous Sunday and one new post all in one sitting). New curve balls come every day, but I am handling them better than ever. I need to remain vigilant, but I am hopeful that I can thrive by keeping myself, my family and my job in balance.

That said, I know that many rough days are ahead. But, a bad day does not need to become a bad week or a bad month. That has happened far too often in the past. I need to remain attentive to the here and now. Mindfulness remains my mantra. By restricting my frame to the present, I can allow myself the opportunity to exist rather than to drift between regretting the past and dreading the future. I know that my narcolepsy will never go away, but I certainly can find ways to maximize what I can do with what I have.

Best of all, this crazy pace means that my MOONS meeting this Saturday will arrive even sooner. AND, the National Narcolepsy Network conference is only a month away. I can't wait for either one. As much as I enjoy interacting with other narcoleptics online, I am anxious to talk with folks in face-to-face settings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you know how crazy fun it is to read about how much you enjoy your class? I wish I was in it just to see what you all were doing!!!