Narcoleptic Knights

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Schedule Scrutiny

Scrutiny! That is the word. Another would be discipline. I am getting better at maintaining loose structure to my time, but I need to do even more. My focus can't become rigidity. At the same time, I have to be better about protecting my time for relaxation and exercise. I didn't do that last week because I wanted to help a colleague before school started. Now, though, I need to push myself to use my mornings to strengthen my knees, body and spirit.

I also need to enforce limits. Yesterday, I worked on our financial information. I spent hours when I should have done it in much smaller pieces over a series of days. While the bulk of the work is done, I know that I am more wiped out today as a result of my "determination." Fortunately, this round of insanity did not cost me the fun I had today with my wife and daughter at the Minnesota State Fair. Still, I got home and did not have anything left to do school work or housework. I have tomorrow, but I must work on enforcing my limits. I should do nothing for more than 2 hours. AND, I should rest for at least an hour after something like that. In fact, I should probably go to bed. Instead, I am going to my Men's Group.

Going to Men's Group was great, and my energy surged there. But, if I am serious about maintaining balance, I need to adhere to setting time limits and holding to them. Invariably, the week has gotten away from me. I started this on Sunday, but am finishing it on Thursday. I have managed to do some "scheduling" and help to it. I have also killed myself with correcting a couple of nights. The interesting thing, though, is that I have been more productive in my teaching and my correcting than I have been for years. I don't necessarily "feel" better, but I am able to stay focused even when I feel horrid.

I have also been good about taking time for myself. I did yoga on Tuesday. I have allowed myself periods of relaxation. I have even used some of my time during the school day for me. I have also used it to do correcting, but even that was a conscious decision, rather than one reached out of some sense of guilt or obligation. Of course, I want to be more disciplined than I have been, but I am trying to remember that this is a journey. One that I have a lifetime to complete. Changing patterns takes time. I am slowly remaking my world, but it will take a lifetime. That's okay! I need to enjoy the journey, while still opening myself to the lessons I must learn.

My goal for this next week is to be effective in my scheduling of time blocks for at least 3 days and hopefully 4. I will certainly keep folks posted.

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