Narcoleptic Knights

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Madness

I ended the medication holiday this morning. I didn't get out of bed until 9 AM, but part of that was waiting for my daughter to get up. How cool is it that my daughter was the last one to wake up on Christmas morning? I have a super cool kid. We had to wait to go out to the kitchen and living room because our daughter wanted to see our reactions. Apparently, she decorated from midnight until 2 AM. It was impressive! She made a wonderful banner and set out ALL of her stuffed animals. So, I took my first dose of amphetamine at 9 AM.

The most amazing thing, though, is that I only took 10 mg. I did take a second dose at 3 PM, but once again it was only 10 mg. I know that I would have needed more if I had been teaching today, but I love that the medication holiday worked well enough that I could take a third of my typical dose and feel highly functional all day. We had a glorious time opening gifts this morning. We then got going on work. My wife did nap, but I managed to keep going throughout the afternoon. I washed dishes, cleaned the bathroom, put a number of things away, and even organized a huge pile of stuff that has been sitting around for months. The work was spread out over hours, and I made sure that I did not overdo anything. Still, I am stunned by my level of productivity.

The best part of the day came this evening. My folks are in town and arrived around 9 PM. I was still finishing up some of my sorting, but it was awesome to talk to them. My sister and brother-in-law also decided to hang out for a while. We will all be together again tomorrow for a second Christmas (yippee). More than anything, though, it was super cool to connect with my parents in a relaxed way. I also got the chance to show my dad number of things on the computer - TED talks, iTunes U, Radio Heartland, and the final broadcast material from MPR's Morning Show. He was stunned, and I was thrilled that I provided him some meaningful items that he will truly enjoy.

I need to get to sleep, but it was a great day. I was already pleased with my medication holiday, but the realities of today clearly proved that I made a brilliant decision in taking the time off from my amphetamine. Clearly, the break from my stimulant has helped my body in a number of ways. Best of all, I know that a third of my normal dose gave me plenty of energy. It is incredible to learn that a brief respite from my regular routine can have such a drastic impact on functionality.

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