Narcoleptic Knights

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Funny Fallout

I always find it strange when I know that I am managing my narcolepsy better. The condition is so bizarre that it almost seems unwise to make such a claim, yet moments like today are plain and obvious. Thus, I must acknowledge the reality of life and my condition. As I knew, my decision to sleep a fractional amount between Thursday night and Friday morning overwhelmed me today. I spent the entire day lolling around my house. I did manage to get a small amount of work done, but the majority of my time involved working on a crossword, watching some DVDs, and exercising with our Wii. I have no doubt the exercising also added to my exhaustion.

Although I am pleased that I got some work done in the midst of my exhaustion, I am more excited that I did not feel guilty about the "undone" work. I found myself able to accept and to find comfort in that reality. I have time, plenty of it, for those other tasks. In reality, I have weeks to get to them. I don't want this initial list to take weeks, or even days, but in the past I would have tortured myself for not doing them today - immediately. Thus, I am content with knowing I have time.

The other element of the day that was exciting is that I had chosen to not "exercise" during the second week of MITY. The reality is that I did get some exercise simply from my "active" teaching style, but I did not work out. I love, though, that I prioritized my health over cleaning our office or putting away books. I have no idea if I will be able to hold onto that attitude, but it feels like a step in the correct direction. Hopefully, I will find a way to make working out a habit so I can carry it into my school year, but I also love that I am not worrying about that either. Needless to say, my exhaustion remains, but I am thrilled that I am letting go and learning to relax.

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