Narcoleptic Knights

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wrung out, but Writing

I don't have much energy because it is late, but I have felt the need to write for days. I am stunned how often life's whirlwind can suddenly shift, leaving me writhing in the dust. Even though last week was significantly more taxing, this week has seemed completely out of my control. A week ago, our teaching team was missing one member the entire week, while our students bombarded us with questions about their research papers. My household was also missing our superstar - my amazing wife. Yet, it is this week that feels more insurmountable. I doubt I will ever truly understand that aspect of myself or narcolepsy. This condition seems to have an unending supply of twists and turns.

Regardless, I have survived another week. I have a mountain of work this weekend - correcting and cleaning being the primary tasks at hand. Still, I am proud of myself for pushing through the challenges that continually crop up along the journey. I have had two intense department meetings this week. Two provided fantastic dialogue, but the underlying issues are enormous and get at the spiritual core of teaching. I also believe that another setback has been dealt in the realm of technology. After two years, numerous discussions, a day long listening session, and a full faculty and staff survey, our Technology Committee seemed ready to make a recommendation about modifying the usage rules for iPods/MP3 players and cell phones during the school day. But, during the chair's summary of the meeting (with only 10 minutes remaining) a slew of "issues" were raised - things we have discussed ad nauseum over the past two years - that delayed the process yet again. The ultimate irony is that our committee only makes a recommendation. The administrative team will give whatever we do final approval. Hearing about this situation today once again makes me questions whether this school is the right place for me or for my daughter. I hate that, but it also means that I am taking nothing for granted.

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