Narcoleptic Knights

Friday, October 23, 2009

Bite Size Blogging

Apparently, today is moving day! As I mentioned in my previous post, Bite Size Life is a promising, new location on the web for narcolepsy support. I have been intending for sometime to get my blog transferred there, but the stars refused to align. Suddenly, as so often happens in my life, everything came together within an hour of my previous post. Thus, Narcoleptic Knights can now be found at Hopefully, I am bright enough that I can continue to have the posts I write there, show up here too. The good news is that ALL of my Blogger posts are already on the bitesizelife. com site! Hooray! I do hope that this change does not cause major problems, but I am excited for a new adventure. Also, I am more determined than ever to provide some live blogging from the Narcolepsy Network conference. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Excellent! We are neighbors now!

good cuz the comment system here I cant figure out!

~ Marcia

Anonymous said...

please add my blog to your list

I am trying to get the word out about our disease and get more funding...thanks