Narcoleptic Knights

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sleepy Savings

Somehow it is already March 10th. Time seems to spin wildly out of control, particularly when my life gets stressful. Fortunately, I survived the end of yet another trimester. I also thoroughly enjoyed Suddenly Sleepy Saturday. The movie Wide Awake was decent, particularly when one remembers that it was made for Lifetime Network. The main character is a PWN and a narcolepsy researcher. She is swept up in a thriller when someone sabotages the labs research. Much better than the film was spending time socially with other PWNs.

Interestingly enough, though, I feel like I am the one who needed a stronger reminder about the impending time shirt with the arrival of Daylight Savings Time. I had a tough time going to sleep on Saturday night. Sunday morning and evening were even worse. As a person with narcolepsy, I try to have a firmly established sleep routine. The shift of even an hour can radically alter that process. I still did not feel right today. I honestly think that I should start with my new sleep pattern the week before Daylight Savings Time. In fact I am likely going to do that for both the end of Daylight Savings Time and for next year's Sleep Awareness Week.

What shocks me in this realization is how dependent my schedule, and my life, is on routine. I have always known that I function better with structure, at least until my obsessive tendencies cause me to implode. But, the bottom line is that a set routine and pattern IS the best way to cope with my narcolepsy. I still need to be flexible enough to accept the waxing and waning of energy, but I know I need to find some semblance of structure in my standard day. That seems far-fetched given the chaotic nature of our household, but it is definitely an important goal that I must pursue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, it seems like I'm more dependent on a sleep schedule than I thought. At least, that's the current theory for why I'm always tired in the morning. But, in my usual loving, cheerleader style, Yay for you thinking out problems! I love your soldiering attitude. You're admirable for it.

Sleep well soon. :)