Narcoleptic Knights

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blogging Block

Somehow, another month has nearly passed me by. I am hoping to write a post or two before February also ends. I know that I need to do this, but my daily existence seems to have other plans. We will see what the next three days bring. While February generally stinks, this year seems to be spectacularly chaotic. The good news is that I continue to give myself permission to "underachieve." Unfortunately, that grows more difficult with each passing day. Our trimester ends next Friday, and the few days off will help me, but I daily find it tougher to shut down the negative voices in my head. I am well aware that I am doing the best I can, yet my constantly ebbing energy hampers me from opening myself to forgiveness.

I also find it ridiculous that I have two posts for the second month in a row. Even worse, both February posts were written WELL after my bedtime. I need to sleep, but also wanted to get something else posted before March. I need to get back into some level of routine. Perhaps, March will enter like a lamb for me. Still, I don't plan to hold my breath.


Anonymous said...

Everything will be ok. Just because you didn't post doesn't mean you fail at anything--it means you're busy, like every awesome adult. You're not slacking, and you're not not taking care of yourself--I bet you did yoga or talked to your wife or distracted yourself with your daughter. All good ways of keeping yourself healthy. Blogging is important, but not blogging isn't a failure.


Jaredd said...

Yea, something about Narcolepsy makes one spend way too much time worrying about what other people might think. Or maybe that's just human nature. Anyway, I find myself not getting useful things done and getting all bent out of shape. But, in the end, so long as my awake times are spent with my loved ones, it all works out in the end. I hope.

Or maybe I saw that on an after school special. Can't remember.

Anyway, I enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work.